Algorithm development

Last updated on 2024-09-17 | Edit this page



  • What do the algorithm tools in vantage6 provide?
  • How do you create a personalized boilerplate using the v6 cli?
  • What is the process for adapting the boilerplate into a simple algorithm?
  • How can you test your algorithm using the mock client?
  • How do you build your algorithm into a docker image?
  • How do you set up a local test environment using the v6 cli (v6 dev)?
  • How can you publish your algorithm in the algorithm store?
  • How can you run your algorithm?


  • Understand the available algorithm tools
  • Create a personalized boilerplate using the v6 cli
  • Adapt the boilerplate into a simple algorithm
  • Test your algorithm using the mock client
  • Build your algorithm into a docker image
  • Set up a local test environment using the v6 cli (v6 dev)
  • Publish your algorithm in the algorithm store
  • Run your algorithm in the UI
  • Run your algorithm with the Python client


The goal of this lesson is to develop a simple average algorithm, and walk through all the steps from creating the proper code up until running it in the User Interface and via the Python client. We will start by explaining how the algorithm interacts with the vantage6 infrastructure. Then, you will start to build, test and run your own algorithm.

Algorithm tools

The vantage6 infrastructure provides a set of tools to help you develop your algorithm. You have probably already done this in the setup of the workshop, but you can install the algorithm tools with:


pip install vantage6-algorithm-tools

The following sections handle the most important parts of the algorithm tools.

Algorithm client

The algorithm client provides functionality that is similar to the Python client, but can only do a subset of the operations, because the algorithm is not allowed to execute operations like creating a collaboration or deleting a user. This client can be used to interact with the server, e.g. to create a subtask, retrieve results, or get the organizations participating in the collaboration.

A typical example of how to use the algorithm client is as follows:


from vantage6.algorithm.client import AlgorithmClient
from import algorithm_client

# Load the algorithm client to interact with the server
def central_function(client: AlgorithmClient):
    organizations_in_collaboration = client.organization.list()

    task = client.task.create(
        name="Subtask name",

    results = client.wait_for_results(task.get('id'))

    return aggregate_results(results)

Data loading

The algorithm tools provide a way to load the data from the node and provide it to the algorithm as a Pandas dataframe.



import pandas as pd
from import data

# Load two data sources from the node
def partial_function(df1: pd.DataFrame, df2: pd.DataFrame, column: str):
    return {
        "sum1": df1[column].sum(),
        "sum2": df2[column].sum()

Wrapping the algorithm functions

The algorithm client and data loading tools provide you with the vantage6 tools in the algorithm code itself. However, the algorithm tools also provide an interface between the algorithm and the node, which we call the algorithm wrapper. The wrapper ensures that all the necessary information is passed to the algorithm, and that the output is returned to the server. Mostly this is ‘magic’ that happens in the background. It is important to know about it though, as it can help you understand how the algorithm interacts with the vantage6 infrastructure, and you can use the wrapper to e.g. pass environment variables to the algorithm.

Algorithm wrapper
Algorithm wrapper

The following items are handled by the wrapper:

  • Input handling: the algorithm tools read the input from the node and provide it to the arguments of the algorithm function. In the example above, the column argument is provided by the node to the function via the algorithm tools.
  • Environment variables: the algorithm tools get the environment variables from the node and pass them on to the algorithm. You can also define environment variables in the node configuration file that are passed to the algorithm. This can e.g. be useful if you want to pass the database connection string to the algorithm.
  • Token: the algorithm tools ensure that the algorithm uses the security token to be able to get the allowed resources from the server.
  • Data: while the actual data is handled by the @data decorator, the algorithm tools provide the decorator with environment variables so that it knows where to find the data.
  • Output handling: the output from the algorithm functions is written to a file that the node will send back to the server.

It is possible to write your algorithm without the algorithm tools, for example if you want to write your algorithm in a different language than Python. However, this requires you to take care of the above points yourself.

For more information about the algorithm tools, please check out the relevant documentation.

Create a simple algorithm

As discussed above, vantage6 algorithms require a certain structure to interact properly with the vantage6 infrastructure. For example, vantage6 requires the functions in the algorithm to be at the base level of a Python package that is defined within the Docker image. Such requirements can be cumbersome to get right if you have to write all the code yourself. Fortunately, vantage6 provides tools to create a boilerplate for you, so that you can focus on the development of your algorithm functions rather than worry about the infrastructure.

To create a personalized boilerplate, use the vantage6 CLI. You should have installed the CLI in the workshop setup. Be sure to activate the conda environment you created for the workshop.

You can create a new algorithm boilerplate repository with:


v6 algorithm create

If you later want to modify your answers, you can do so by running:


v6 algorithm update --change-answers

This is recommended to do whenever you want to change something like the name of the function, as it will ensure that it will be updated in all places it was mentioned.

The update command can also be used to update your algorithm to a new version, even after you have implemented your functions. This is helpful when there is new functionality or changes in vantage6 that require algorithms to update.

Challenge 1: Create a personalized boilerplate

Create a personalized template to start developing your average algorithm

  • We need both a central and a partial function.
  • The central function should get an algorithm client to communicate with the server, but it does not need data.
  • The partial function does not need an algorithm client, but it should get one database from the node.
  • Both functions should have a column argument - the average over this column will be calculated.
  • Don’t use the advanced options for now.

The personalized boilerplate should be successfully created. It should be very similar to this repository.

Your personalized boilerplate is now ready to be adapted into a simple algorithm. We are now going to implement the average algorithm in several steps. Note that the README file in the boilerplate also provides a checklist that you can follow to implement the rest of the algorithm - in this lesson we are going to guide you through these same steps.

Implement the algorithm functions

We are going to implement the central and partial functions. The easiest is to start with the partial function. Using the Pandas dataframe that is provided by the algorithm tools, the following should be extracted for the requested column:

  • The number of rows that contains a number
  • The sum of all these numbers

The boilerplate code for the central function already a large part of the code that will be required to gather the results from the partial functions. To compute the final average, we will need to:

  • Modify how the subtasks are created - we need to provide the column to the partial functions
  • Combine the results from the partial functions to compute the average

Remember that both functions should return the results as valid JSON serializable objects - we recommend returning a Python dictionary.

Test your algorithm using the mock client

As discussed before, the algorithm tools contain an algorithm client that helps the algorithm container to communicate with the server. When testing your algorithm, it would be cumbersome to test your algorithm in the real infrastructure on every code change, as this requires you to build your algorithm Docker image, ensure all nodes in your collaboration are online, etc.

To facilitate the testing phase, the algorithm tools also provide an algorithm mock client. This client can be used to test your algorithm locally without having to start up the server and nodes. The mock client provides the same functions as the algorithm client, but instead of communicating with the server, it simply returns a smart mock response. The mock client does not mock the output of the algorithm functions, but actually calls them with locally defined test data. This way, you can easily test locally if your algorithm functions give the answer you expect without worrying about the infrastructure.

Your personalized template already contains a test/ file that contains boilerplate code to test your algorithm. You just need to make some adjustments to test your average algorithm.

Challenge 2: Implement the functions and test them

Implement your partial and central functions as described above.

Adapt and run to test your function implementation:

  • In your Python environment, run pip install -e .. This installs the local Python package and also the algorithm tools (which contain the mock client).
  • Adjust to compute the average over the Age column. Do this both for the test of the central and of the partial function
  • Run to test your functions.

We provide a pandas dataframe. Pandas is a well-known Python library for data manipulation and analysis. It also provides a sum method that can be used to calculate the sum of a column.

You can find the solution in the workshop-average-boilerplate repository. This branch contains the implementation of the average algorithm. Below is a description of what you need to change compared to the boilerplate you generated in Challenge 1.

In your central function:

  • When creating the subtask, fill in the column argument from the input parameters.
  • Aggregate the results from the partial functions to compute the average, which may look something like this:


def central_function(client: AlgorithmClient, column: str):


    results = client.wait_for_results(task_id=task.get("id"))

    info("Computing global average")
    global_sum = 0
    global_count = 0
    for output in results:
        global_sum += output["sum"]
        global_count += output["count"]

    # return the final results of the algorithm
    return {"average": global_sum / global_count}

In your partial function:

  • Extract the column from the dataframe and calculate the sum and count of the column values. The output should be a dictionary with the keys sum and count:


def partial_function(df: pd.DataFrame, column: str) -> Any:
    col_data = df[column]
    local_sum = float(col_data.sum())
    local_count = len(col_data)
    return {"sum": local_sum, "count": local_count}


  • In the client.task.create() calls, replace the column argument with the column you want to calculate the average over: "Age".

Then, you can run python test/ and the output should look something like:

[{'id': 0, 'name': 'mock-0', 'domain': '', 'address1': 'mock', 'address2': 'mock', 'zipcode': 'mock', 'country': 'mock', 'public_key': 'mock', 'collaborations': '/api/collaboration?organization_id=0', 'users': '/api/user?organization_id=0', 'tasks': '/api/task?init_org_id=0', 'nodes': '/api/node?organization_id=0', 'runs': '/api/run?organization_id=0'}, {'id': 1, 'name': 'mock-1', 'domain': '', 'address1': 'mock', 'address2': 'mock', 'zipcode': 'mock', 'country': 'mock', 'public_key': 'mock', 'collaborations': '/api/collaboration?organization_id=1', 'users': '/api/user?organization_id=1', 'tasks': '/api/task?init_org_id=1', 'nodes': '/api/node?organization_id=1', 'runs': '/api/run?organization_id=1'}]
info > Defining input parameters
info > Creating subtask for all organizations in the collaboration
info > Waiting for results
info > Mocking waiting for results
info > Results obtained!
info > Mocking waiting for results
[{'average': 34.666666666666664}]
{'id': 2, 'runs': '/api/run?task_id=2', 'results': '/api/results?task_id=2', 'status': 'completed', 'name': 'mock', 'databases': ['mock'], 'description': 'mock', 'image': 'mock_image', 'init_user': {'id': 1, 'link': '/api/user/1', 'methods': ['GET', 'DELETE', 'PATCH']}, 'init_org': {'id': 0, 'link': '/api/organization/0', 'methods': ['GET', 'PATCH']}, 'parent': None, 'collaboration': {'id': 1, 'link': '/api/collaboration/1', 'methods': ['DELETE', 'PATCH', 'GET']}, 'job_id': 1, 'children': None}
info > Mocking waiting for results
[{'sum': 624.0, 'count': 18}, {'sum': 624.0, 'count': 18}]

Hence, the average age is 34.666!

Build your algorithm into a docker image

Your algorithm boilerplate contains a Dockerfile in the root folder. You can build your algorithm into a docker image by running something like:


cd /go/to/directory/with/dockerfile
docker build -t your-image-name .

Challenge 3: Implement the functions and test them

Create an account on Dockerhub - unless you have one already. Then, log in to your account via the command line with docker login.

Use the command docker build to build your algorithm into a docker image. Then, push the image with docker push.

You should have done the following in the base directory of your algorithm (where the Dockerfile is):


docker build -t myusername/average .
docker push myusername/average

Both commands should execute without errors.

Set up a local test environment

When the algorithm image is built, it is recommended to test locally if it also works with an actual server and nodes - not just using the mock client. The easiest way to set up a server and a few nodes locally is with:


v6 dev create-demo-network

This command creates a vantage6 server configuration, and then registers a collaboration with 3 organizations in it. It registers a node for each organization and finally, it creates the vantage6 node configuration for each node with the correct API key.

Each node in the v6 dev network has part of a dataset on olympic medal winners in the 2016 Olympics. The dataset contains the columns Age, Sex, Height, Weight, Country, Sport and Medal. We are mainly interested in the Age column for our average computation, but of course you can also compute the average over other columns, as long as they are numeric.

The other available commands are:


# Start the server and nodes
v6 dev start-demo-network

# Stop the server and nodes
v6 dev stop-demo-network

# Remove the server and nodes
v6 dev remove-demo-network

In Chapter 5, you have learned how to run an algorithm using the Python client. Now, you can run your own algorithm using the Python client!

Challenge 4: Test your algorithm on a local vantage6 network

Create and start a local vantage6 network with the v6 dev commands. Then, run your algorithm using the Python client. Note that the data in the v6 dev network is different from the mock data you used before - however it contains the same column “Age”.

You can use the following data to login:


# login credentials
username = "dev_admin"
password = "password"

# server details
server_url = "http://localhost"
port = 7601
api_path = "/api"

# task details
databases = [{"label": "default"}]
column_name = "Age"

Use help(client.task.create) to see the available arguments for the create method. Your command should be similar to the command in the test script, but with the correct collaboration/organization ID

You should have done something like the following. Take care to provide the correct username.

from vantage6.client import Client
client.authenticate(username, password)

image = "myusername/average"

task = client.task.create(
        "method": "central_function",
        "kwargs": {
            "column": "Age",
    databases = [{"label": "default"}],
    name="test task",
    description="My description",
results = client.wait_for_results(central_task.get("id"))

which should print:

{'data': [{'result': '{"average": 27.613448844884488}',
   'task': {'id': 2, 'link': '/api/task/2', 'methods': ['DELETE', 'GET']},
   'run': {'id': 4, 'link': '/api/run/4', 'methods': ['GET', 'PATCH']},
   'id': 4}],
 'links': {'first': '/api/result?task_id=2&page=1',
  'self': '/api/result?task_id=2&page=1',
  'last': '/api/result?task_id=2&page=1'}}

So the average age is 27.61!

Publish your algorithm in the algorithm store

Previously, we have discussed how to run algorithms from the algorithm store. Now, it is time to publish your own algorithm in the algorithm store. This is required if you want to run your algorithm in the user interface: the user interface gathers information about how to run the algorithm from the algorithm store. For example, this helps the UI to construct a dropdown of available functions, and to know what arguments the function expects.

The boilerplate you create should already contain an algorithm_store.json file that contains a JSON description of your algorithm - how many databases each function uses, for example.

You can put the algorithm in the store by selecting the local algorithm store in the UI. You should upload this algorithm into your local test store, which is part of the v6 dev network. You can do this by selecting that store in the UI, and then by clicking on the “Add algorithm” button on the page with approved algorithms. You can upload the algorithm_store.json file in the top. After uploading it, you can change the details of the algorithm before submitting it.

Challenge 5: Add your algorithm to the algorithm store

Your local v6 dev network is running an algorithm store locally on http://localhost:7602, and a user interface on http://localhost:7600. Log in to the UI and upload your algorithm to the algorithm store. Note: the UI requests a link to your code - you can fill in a dummy link for now.

Then, can you download the revised JSON file so you can update it in your algorithm repository?

Use the algorithm_store.json which is present in your algorithm code repository to fill in most of the details.

Go to the UI and log in. Then, go to the ‘Algorithm store’ section and select the local algorithm store. Go to ‘Approved algorithms’, click on ‘Add algorithm’ and upload the algorithm_store.json file. Fill in the details such as the name to your docker image.

You can find the revised JSON file on the page with the algorithm details.

Challenge 6: Run your algorithm in the UI

Run your algorithm in the UI. The v6 dev network should already provide you with a collaboration where all nodes are online.

  1. Make sure that your v6 dev network is running. If not, start it with v6 dev start-demo-network.
  2. Login to the UI, go to ‘Analyze’ section, select ‘Task’ and ‘Create task’.
  3. Select your algorithm from the dropdown.
  4. Fill in the required fields. You should select the central function and provide the column you want to calculate the average over.
  5. Your algorithm should run successfully in the UI. The result should - obviously - be the same as when you ran it with the Python client, so we are expecting:

Average ~= 27.61.

Advanced challenge: Calculate the average per group

Extend your algorithm to answer the following question: in the v6 dev dataset, are gold medal winners older or younger than silver medal winners?

Add a group_by argument to both the central and the partial function. Pass this argument to the partial function when creating the subtask, and use it in the partial function to group the data.

A working solution is provided in the workshop-average-boilerplate repository. Of course, multiple solutions are possible. Below is a description of what you need to change compared to the algorithm implementation you created in Challenge 2.

Your partial function may now look like this:


def partial_function(df: pd.DataFrame, column, group_by) -> Any:
    """Decentral part of the algorithm"""

    grouped = df.groupby(group_by)
    return {
        "sum": grouped[column].sum().to_dict(),
        "count": grouped[column].size().to_dict(),

Your central function should be adapted to pass the group_by argument to the partial function, and it should aggregate the results per group, as something like this:


def central_function(client: AlgorithmClient, column: str, group_by: str):


    results = client.wait_for_results(task_id=task.get("id"))

    global_sums = {}
    global_counts = {}
    for output in results:
        for key, value in output["sum"].items():
            if key not in global_sums:
                global_sums[key] = 0
            global_sums[key] += value
        for key, value in output["count"].items():
            if key not in global_counts:
                global_counts[key] = 0
            global_counts[key] += value

    results = {}
    for key, value in global_sums.items():
        results[key] = value / global_counts[key]

    return results

And when running this, the final results are:


Gold medal winners are older than silver medal winners. Practice makes perfect!

In case you also aspire to be perfect, feel free to practice some more. Be creative and think of other questions you can answer with this dataset!

Next steps

Congratulations! You have successfully developed your first vantage6 algorithm. You have learned how to create a personalized boilerplate, implement the algorithm functions, and run the algorithm using the Python client and the UI. The resulting algorithm, however, is not suitable yet for real-world use. For instance, if a node contains only a single data point for a given column, there are no guards implemented that prevent that such sensitive data is shared with the server. The following steps are usually important to address before your algorithm is ready for real-world use:

  • Privacy guards: implement privacy guards to ensure that sensitive data is not shared with the server.
  • Error handling: implement error handling to ensure that the algorithm does not crash when unexpected input is provided. Note that there are custom vantage6 errors that you can raise to provide more information about what went wrong.
  • Documentation: document your algorithm so that others can understand how to use it, what their data should look like, how to interpret the results, etc.

Other next steps could be to extend the algorithm with more functionality, such as allowing to calculate the average over multiple columns, or to add a group_by argument to compute the average per group.

In the final lesson of this course, you will have the opportunity to work on your own projects. You can also use that to further develop your algorithm!

Future changes


We are currently using vantage6 version 4.7. The vantage6 team is working on vantage6 version 5.0, which will bring changes to the algorithm development process. Version 5.0 will introduce sessions, which are a way to split up the algorithm into smaller parts: data preparation, data preprocessing, data analysis, and post-processing. A major advantage of this is that extensive data preparation only needs to be done once per node instead of once per task, which can save a lot of time. Also, it will be possible for a more experienced user to prepare the data, while a less experienced user can simply run the algorithm on the prepared data.

For algorithm developers, the sessions mean that you should then split your algorithm functions into data preparation, analysis, postprocessing, etc. The vantage6 team will make sure that proper documentation will be available to help you with this transition.

Algorithm build service

As was already mentioned previously, the vantage6 team is working on a build service that will automatically build your algorithm into a Docker image. This will alleviate the algorithm developer from having to worry about the Docker image, and will allow them to focus on the algorithm itself. Also, it will ensure that the image is built in a consistent and secure way, which may enhance the trust in an algorithm image.

Key Points

  • Use v6 algorithm create to create a personalized boilerplate
  • Implement the partial functions to run on each node and the central function to aggregate the results
  • Build your algorithm into a docker image
  • Test it with the mock client and with a local v6 dev test environment
  • Publish your algorithm in the algorithm store to run it in the UI